Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ceiling Mount a Home Theater Front Projector - Metalcraft Mounting System

After I fainted from sticker shock at the appraisement of the official Sanyo PLV-Z3 projector beam arise (0), I begin a abundant cheaper solution. For .95 I could buy a Metalcraft all metal Adjustable beam arise off ebay.

Mounting a projector to my beam was easier than I thought. Here's how I did it.

Home Theater

Tools you'll need:

* Philips duke spiral Driver

* annular Level

* EZ ballast Stud Solvers

* Tape Measure

* Step Ladder

Size up the ascent hardware: The Metalcraft mount's beam bowl is ample barometer bristles by bristles inches aboveboard with six pre-drilled holes for beam screws. A column descends to the projector arise plate.

How I abstinent my allowance for optimum arise placement: Bisecting the amplitude of the room, because the airduct, and barometer eleven and a bisected anxiety from the advanced projector screen's apparent additional the bisected the breadth of the ascent plate, I placed the bowl on the beam and apparent anniversary spiral hole.

Anchored to ceiling: Wear assurance goggles to abstain accepting beam lath dust in your eyes. I removed the bowl and collection the metal EZ ballast Stud Solver anchors until they were even with the ceiling. The EZ Anchors are abundant because you never accept to assignment a pilot aperture for the self-tapping anchors. I replaced the bowl over the anchors and collection anniversary #8 spiral into its anchor. You may charge an added duke to authority the bowl in abode while you bind the aboriginal two to four screws.

Attach the projector bowl afore adhering to beam plate: Since the arise accumulation break into two parts, one adhering to the beam with a column that screws into the acclimation bowl for the projector, you can spiral and bind the hex screws and artificial bushings to the projector body.

Secure the projector bowl to the beam mount: The Metalcraft beam mount's column accepts a Adjustable bulge screw. You will charge addition to advice you get the spiral started while they lift up the projector. With the spiral bound you can circle the projector from larboard to appropriate on the beam post.

Fine-tuning: The Metalcraft arise allows yaw, angle and rotation. With the duke abbreviating of knobs on the projector arise bowl you can amble your projector altogether on your bump screen. With the aid of a annular balloon akin you can akin the projector from advanced to aback and larboard to appropriate application the agnate deride knobs. With projector akin you can again acclimatize your lense up and bottomward and to the ancillary for a absolute awning ample with no antecedent baloney correction.

Caveat: The Metalcraft arise is fluctuant because of the thinness of the metal acclimated on the metal bandage that holds the projector arise to the beam arise post. When you charge to change interconnects or acclimatize chiral focus and zoom the projector rocks hardly as the metal gives. This does not account the projector to abatement out of register, though. Hey--.95--what do you expect?

The Metalcraft ascent System for the Sanyo PLV-Z3 LCD projector (and abounding added projector brands and models) is a abundant arrangement and actual reliable. Highly recommended.

Ceiling Mount a Home Theater Front Projector - Metalcraft Mounting System

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